Category: Summer

7/6/11 Holbrook Dietrick 13 year old birthday party

Who can resist a double shift including a birthday party? Birthday party time! Well that wasn’t meant to be as i knew at about 1pm that wasn’t going to happen. So it was off to down the street where i had a 2 hr party in Holbrook. ‘m not a fan of 2 hr parties as a performer it doesn’t give me alot of time to do get into a rhythm and routine that I like. I got early and i started playing music at 440 even though i wasn’t supposed to play until 5pm. STRIKE ONE. wasn’t able to get into a good flow as i was playing alot of requests that were at different speeds.  Current hiphop is really slow and  i wasn’t able to get alot of beat matching that i enjoy.   I played mostly hiphop and some current dance.  had a bad feeling i wasn’t going to get to play overtime as i was getting into the higher point of my performance, i had to go home. They just couldn’t afford it. Really nice people but they got me at a real discount price and i wasn’t able to truly get more for my overtime hour. It’s upsetting because i’m not a discount Dj, and i didn’t get a tip or the extra playing time which i need on a 2 hr event. Another birthday party complete i blinked and it was over   Dj Paul