Alexa’s Communion Party 5/19/2012 Bellmore
I was very excited to visit Bellmore for the first time to play at Alexa’s Communion Party. It was a beautiful sunny day and i had a good feeling this communion party was going to be outside. I was correct. I like being outside instead of inside especially for a communion. As a Dj it gives me more options for games and music.
We started the Communion Party by playing our dinner mix cd
I usually like to start games right away but it was hot and there were alot of other choices including a swimming pool and a bouncy castle. So I didn’t start immediately with the game played some current pop music and played some slower dance and house music. We played musical chairs and mummy wrap.
I was thinking about the sentimental part of playing these communion party and religious events
They are going to remember these events for the rest of their lives. I got to do play the horses as i got a little over time and they also gave me a candy bar. What a special day being a long island dj