Category: kids party

Alexa’s Communion Party 5/19/2012 Bellmore

I was very excited to visit Bellmore for the first time to play at Alexa’s Communion Party. It was a beautiful sunny day and i had a good feeling this communion party was going to be outside. I was correct. I like being outside instead of inside especially for a communion. As a Dj it gives me more options for games and music.

We started the Communion Party by playing our dinner mix cd

I usually like to start games right away but it was hot and there were alot of other choices including a swimming pool and a bouncy castle. So I didn’t start immediately with the game played some current pop music and played some slower dance and house music. We played musical chairs and mummy wrap.

I was thinking about the sentimental part of playing these communion party and religious events

They are going to remember these events for the rest of their lives. I got to do play the horses as i got a little over time and they also gave me a candy bar. What a special day being a long island dj

Communion Hicksville Dj entertainment 5/6/12

Paul performs at Pumperknickels in Hicksville I really wasn’t feeling good this week. I caught something. Thanks to the people at Monster Energy for getting me through this communion, I drank three orange tea monster energy drinks and thankfully had enough in me to get me through the day. I Felt like Superman. Setup and clean up was a nightmare . Up Steps and slippery for that matter. I was able to set up early and leave early and the hosts were very nice. The kids had trouble with some of the game concepts but they had a blast. First time playing trivia and scavenger hunt. We started the communion party early and ended up early. We played levitating circle, musical chairs, mummy wrap, trivia, and scavenger hunt, hula hoop contest. Jessie J- Domino LMFAO- Party Rock Anthem Beyonce- Single Laides Black Eyed Peas– I Got A Feeling One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful Ke$ha- Tik Tok Maroon 5- Moves Like Jaggar Flo Rida- Good Feelin The Clash – Rock The Casbah Rhianna- We Found Love Nicki Minaj- Starships Chris Brown – Turn Up The Music Bella Thome- TTYLXOX TV TRIVIA Carly Rae Jensen- Call Me Maybe Miley Cyrus- Liberty Walk Justin Bieber- Boyfriend Gym Class Heroes- Stereo Hearts Flo Rida- Wild Ones Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks Tim McGraw- My Little Girl Cobra Starship- You Make Me Feel LMFAO- Sexy And I Know It Adele- Rolling In The Deep Avici- I Heard It Through The G’vine Esquire Bootleg Make your communion shine, hire Long Island Dj Paul Cassella here I had fun. Hosts were very nice people and very thankful the entire time.   Another party as a long island dj in the books

9/10/11 Setauket Neighborhood House baptism dj Rubin

baptism dj in Setauket. You won’t hear me complain that often when i’m playing.  But this wasn’t a good day for me. With 2 hrs on the agenda from 5pm to 7pm. My goal was to expect the  worst and that’s exactly what i got. After Re Routing myself through Setauket because of the art fair they were having that weekend i arrived at the venue extremely early.   I decided to go small with the setup and it took me half of the amount of time as usual.  I used my own equipment.  At 4:30 , i see another disc jockey arrive and i’m reminded of a party i was asked to do 2 years ago where i left right away. Immediately i was not the only baptism dj. Parties don’t need two disc jockeys unless there working together but i’m talking about another Dj.  I knew my chance for over time was out the window. That’s a low blow for a Dj, and i think it’s insulting. I could have did the entire party, made good money.Anyway with a party expected to be delayed an hr anyway.  I concentrated on playing my mix and getting the games going. These kids didn’t listen at all.   It’s very unusual i usually get a great response.    I wanted to start with levitating circle but i axed that when they couldn’t get the concept of standing in a line and remembering a number.  Musical chairs was next,  and because i knew i had kids with ADD, i played  Red Light Green Light and closed with Mummy wrap. I had three people for mummy wrap by far the lowest total i’ve witnessed.   The postitive was playing my new mix (which can be downloaded at I think it’s tough when you have kids that are too young .  My 1st time playing as a baptism dj was a success Can’t wait to do a real gig hopefully next week. Paul has now been christened as a baptism dj

6/11 Gilbert Party (16th/Twins) in Deer Park

With heavy rain looming in the backround. There was a tremendous amount of uncertainty. Were people going to show up? Was it going to be fun? I think parties that start this way and end with a boom are the biggest success stories a party can ever have. Yes , this party was outstanding.  We played games Red Light, Green Light, Musical Chairs, Levitating Circle,  Mummy Wrap, Etc. Before the serving of the cake i had to step in and knock the pinata down.  I think the parents were getting tired of the unsucessful attempts. Hey i do what i have to sometimes. When the games were over, the dancing began and despite a nice rain coming down toward the end of the party. It didn’t stop the kids from boogying down. I think we could have kept going but the rain started coming down heavy.  I couldn’t see the last hour with no backyard light, so that was a challenge.  Great people, great party.  A little tight on space but we made it work   Paul