Category: backyard bbq

Watermill to Dj Wedding with David & Gabeth 7/1/12

Very hot day to Dj wedding in Watermill. I’ve been fortunate in my life to play in some amazing spots like on a cruize ship, and at the beach and some amazing venue’s but this was definitely my 1st time playing on someone’s roof, and i wasn’t even completely on top as is explained in the captions of pictures.

Djdealeyo visits Islip to perform 6/2/11 at a Communion for Watts

I was excited to hear that the Communion was going to be outside, disappointed it was only gonna be 3 hrs. No paper work was welcome because i’ve done this three times in a row. Lol i don’t need instructions. Let’s rock. At start time there weren’t too many people there. On Sunday parties people will normally arive late. So I started differently and i wanted to rock so that’s what i did. We started with Rock and alternative music

Alexa’s Communion Party 5/19/2012 Bellmore

I was very excited to visit Bellmore for the first time to play at Alexa’s Communion Party. It was a beautiful sunny day and i had a good feeling this communion party was going to be outside. I was correct. I like being outside instead of inside especially for a communion. As a Dj it gives me more options for games and music.

We started the Communion Party by playing our dinner mix cd

I usually like to start games right away but it was hot and there were alot of other choices including a swimming pool and a bouncy castle. So I didn’t start immediately with the game played some current pop music and played some slower dance and house music. We played musical chairs and mummy wrap.

I was thinking about the sentimental part of playing these communion party and religious events

They are going to remember these events for the rest of their lives. I got to do play the horses as i got a little over time and they also gave me a candy bar. What a special day being a long island dj

9/3/11 At The Schmidts in Fort Salonga birthday party

i had a very queezy feeling about this birthday party. I didn’t think my laptop was gonna make it, it was slow and i wasn’t able to get into itunes to correct my playlists. A very slow classic rock playlist and a 5 hour birthday party. I thought i was in for it.  Then I got there and the was a huge hill just to get up to the pool and the patio area to where i’d be playing. Then they showed me the big orange wheelbarrow.  I don’t think i’ve ever worked so hard before a party as i did today.  I got involved with the kids and we had a watergun fight . I haven’t done that in years. It’s important for people to feel that your involved the party.   I always do something that people will notice. It wasn’t noticed which bothered me. Up and down the hill with the wheelbarrow.I didn’t have a table to use either so i had three stands set up. UGH , bring a table. Anyway i started off this birthday party with her list for about and hr and half. Went back and forth from my classic rock list to her list. Then i dropped the dinner cd, went back to classic  rock and her list again.Then i played some 80’s pop, and some 80’s remakes. Then i did my dance set, and did some more 80’s after that.  It was alot of fun. Lots of worrying for nothing, and i got to play another hour so that was very appreciated.  It had a great time in the hills of Fort  Solonga rocking this birthday party  

7/9/11 (Haas) graduation party patchogue long island dj.

My favorite party to do is the back yard bbq or the block party and we had to graduation party for the history books.  It was a beautiful day and i had a lot of Lady Gaga to play. We had the little monsters going the whole time. Started with classic rock, and disco, and made the progression to current pop, dance, club and some house and happy hardcore. Very nice people . If i was having a graduation party i would be excited to see Paul Cassella. i accidently left an extension cord and they called and told us it was missing. Nicest people you’ll work for and i got to go an extra hour   i really enjoy doing graduation parties like this because it allows me to be a little bit more creative in my music

6/11 Gilbert Party (16th/Twins) in Deer Park

With heavy rain looming in the backround. There was a tremendous amount of uncertainty. Were people going to show up? Was it going to be fun? I think parties that start this way and end with a boom are the biggest success stories a party can ever have. Yes , this party was outstanding.  We played games Red Light, Green Light, Musical Chairs, Levitating Circle,  Mummy Wrap, Etc. Before the serving of the cake i had to step in and knock the pinata down.  I think the parents were getting tired of the unsucessful attempts. Hey i do what i have to sometimes. When the games were over, the dancing began and despite a nice rain coming down toward the end of the party. It didn’t stop the kids from boogying down. I think we could have kept going but the rain started coming down heavy.  I couldn’t see the last hour with no backyard light, so that was a challenge.  Great people, great party.  A little tight on space but we made it work   Paul