6/11 Gilbert Party (16th/Twins) in Deer Park
With heavy rain looming in the backround. There was a tremendous amount of uncertainty. Were people going to show up? Was it going to be fun? I think parties that start this way and end with a boom are the biggest success stories a party can ever have. Yes , this party was outstanding. We played games Red Light, Green Light, Musical Chairs, Levitating Circle, Mummy Wrap, Etc. Before the serving of the cake i had to step in and knock the pinata down. I think the parents were getting tired of the unsucessful attempts. Hey i do what i have to sometimes. When the games were over, the dancing began and despite a nice rain coming down toward the end of the party. It didn’t stop the kids from boogying down. I think we could have kept going but the rain started coming down heavy. Â I couldn’t see the last hour with no backyard light, so that was a challenge. Great people, great party. A little tight on space but we made it work