i had a very queezy feeling about this birthday party. I didn’t think my laptop was gonna make it, it was slow and i wasn’t able to get into itunes to correct my playlists.
A very slow classic rock playlist and a 5 hour birthday party.
I thought i was in for it. Then I got there and the was a huge hill just to get up to the pool and the patio area to where i’d be playing. Then they showed me the big orange wheelbarrow. I don’t think i’ve ever worked so hard before a party as i did today. I got involved with the kids and we had a watergun fight . I haven’t done that in years. It’s important for people to feel that your involved the party. I always do something that people will notice. It wasn’t noticed which bothered me. Up and down the hill with the wheelbarrow.I didn’t have a table to use either so i had three stands set up. UGH , bring a table. Anyway
i started off this birthday party with her list for about and hr and half.
Went back and forth from my classic rock list to her list. Then i dropped the dinner cd, went back to classic rock and her list again.Then i played some 80’s pop, and some 80’s remakes. Then i did my dance set, and did some more 80’s after that. It was alot of fun. Lots of worrying for nothing, and i got to play another hour so that was very appreciated. It had a great time in the hills of Fort  Solonga rocking this birthday party